Strella do Dia – Neo Medieval & Folk Music
The portuguese group Strella do Dia appeared on the year 2000 and has been, since then, forging an alliance which unites the ancient parchments of medieval Europe with musical languages of our time.
Heirs of the old nomadic tradition of the troubadours, Strella do Dia are regularly present on the main historical reenactment festivals, not only in Portugal but also traveling throughout Europe. They are a group of international reference.
Using instruments which belong to this ancient music, such as bagpipe, tarota, gralla, horn, drums, crotales, amongst others, the sonorities of immemorial times echo with energy, through an unique and innovative way for today’s listeners.
Enriching it’s expression through the ancient art of the jongleurs, the musical corpus is amplified on the scenical dimension by the manipulation of peculiar objects.
The repertoire finds it’s arcane source on famous compilations such as Cantigas de Santa Maria, Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, Cantigas de Amigo, Carmina Burana, as well as on traditional music and medieval dances such as “estampidas”, “ductias” and “saltarellos”, amongst others.””
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